Drum, Nicci
I offer spiritual and emotional support through shamanic healing in Paris and remotely.
I create a space for mediation with the invisible
for hypersensitive people,
having experienced trauma, having concentration problems,
memory, ADHD...
or for anyone who cannot travel,
for whom to be in front of a screen or in a cabinet,
is impossible or uncomfortable.
initially, on the phone, or by zoom,
the consultant takes the time to express his need/intention.
then, in a favorable, calm, confidential,
I create a dedicated skincare ritual space
The consultant must be able to feel safe and
at ease.
with an optimal connection, the recorded healing media will not be impacted by network slowness, interference, unstable connections.
it could be received, “heard” and “integrated”
with the temporality of the consultant,
in the most suitable space for him,
and unlimitedly.
I use altered states of consciousness thanks to the percussive sound of the drum to question the beneficent Spirits in “non-ordinary reality”, which can also be called “the beyond”, or “the collective unconscious” .
I question out loud The Spirits, and transmits the needs of consultant.
my guides will give directions,
personalized practical advice to apply in everyday life,
provide necessary care remotely
and bring change to reality.
the guides' wisdoms are recorded as a healing "podcast",
in audio form,
containing concrete information, personalized shamanic songs and melodies.
The sounds, instruments, and audio used are also part of the process and the spirits heal through them.
This “sacred” audio material contains the sound imprint of the invisible,
the energetic support, the prescription of benevolent spirits of which I am simply the channel and mediator.
The emotions felt and the visions while listening to the treatment
are all healing tools and resources,
the spirits repair through them.
it is always the consultant to feel free to apply their recommendations, to "receive" what is right for him at that moment,
to listen to its rhythm as closely as possible with its reality,
his possibilities and his desire.
I also offer face-to-face sessions
in Paris
“Shamanism appeals to the invisible but to visible results (…)
We must materialize the results here, in this world.”
extract from the book the shaman and the shrink Laurent Huguelit Dr Olivier Chambon